Friday, April 17, 2009

Little Quotes From X-men

Dr. Jean Grey: I think you'll be comfortable here.
Wolverine: Where's your room?
Dr. Jean Grey: With Scott, down the hall.
Wolverine: Is that your gift? Putting up with that guy?
Dr. Jean Grey: Actually, I'm telekinetic. I can move things with my mind.
Wolverine: Really? What kind of things?
Dr. Jean Grey: [shuts closet doors behind him with her mind] All kinds of things. I also have some telepathic ability.
Wolverine: Like the Professor?
Dr. Jean Grey: Nowhere near that powerful. But he's teaching me to develop it.
Wolverine: I'm sure he is. So read my mind.
Dr. Jean Grey: I'd rather not.
Wolverine: C'mon. You afraid you might like it?
Dr. Jean Grey: I doubt it.

[about his claws]
Rogue: When they come out... does it hurt?
Wolverine: Every time.

Rogue: You know, you should wear your seat belt.
Wolverine: Now look, kid, I don't need advice on auto...
[car crashes]

Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Where are you going?
Wolverine: To find her.
Storm: How?
Wolverine: The traditional way: look!

Wolverine: That tickles.
Dr. Jean Grey: Hey.
Wolverine: Hey.
Dr. Jean Grey: How are you feeling.
Wolverine: Fantastic.
(he sounds terrible)


  1. Wow!doesn't Logan sound like,to proud to listen to anyone??

  2. LOL I REALLY want to see that movie.

  3. Logan is proud!!!! (and annoying!!) :P

  4. He is not annoying!!Hugh Jackman is a great actor anyway.
