Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Odd Dream...

Ok,so as a few of you may know,i have crazy dreams.last night was weired and to wake up think about it and how stupid crazy it was was even worse.
I can't remember all of it but for some reason I must have gone goth or something.I was a punk in an ally with a whole bunch of 'friends' and I was smoking a cigarette.how weired.In my sleep I think I could accually feel myself putting it to my lips and blowing out the smoke.Last night before bed me and my Sister took our dogs out side and we could see our breath.It was like blowing to see our breath when I was smoking.When I woke some of my thoughts were,I hate smoking.I hate seeing people smoke.What kind of a sick dream is that?? Any way,thats my story.odd right??


  1. Hmm. Well, I strongly believe sometimes God uses dreams to show us things... maybe He showed you this so that you'll never make decisions that will make that dream a reality. I don't know, but ask God about it and always be listening for His voice. He could call on you any time, anywhere. :)
